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PackageMaker A PackageMaker is an application to create a redistributable zip package. A zip package may contain part of, one or several application redistributable...
commonlib.package NPL package system Title NPL package system Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008.5.11 File script/ide/package/package.lua...
TanLeo 17 Mar 2008 #27979; #35797;
PageCtrl an interactive NPL control initialized from a MCML file Title an interactive NPL control initialized from a MCML file Author(s) LiXizhi...
PainterAppDev description : 鍦?D涓栫晫涓敤鐢荤瑪缁樺埗鍥炬鍜岃创鍥撅細鍙互鍦ㄥ彲鎹㈣创鍥剧殑3D妯″瀷涓婄粯鍒讹...
#24085; #25289; #24043; 3D #34394; #25311; #31038; #21306; ` #24085; #25289; #24043;` #65288;Paraworld #65289; #26159; #19968; #27454; #38754; #21521; #25104;...
LiXizhi writes: 2008 3 16 Task description we want to implement a 3d game world to flash viewer exporter. The 3D game scene of a user tile world is exported to a...
ParaEngine Chat (Instant Messaging) An independent and FREE instant messaging (IM) application in ParaWorld. Summary of Contents #21313; #20998; #36731; #37327;...
#27426; #36814; #26469; #21040; #24085; #25289; #24043; #24085; #25289; #24043;(ParaWorld) #26159; #19968; #20010;3D #31038; #20132; #32593; #32476; #24179;...
#27426; #36814; #26469; #21040;ParaEngine #24320; #21457; #32593; #21152; #30431; #25105; #20204; #22312; ParaEngine, #25105; #20204; #26377; #19968; #25903;...
ParaEngine Company Page About us ParaEngine Corporation (P.E.) focuses on the research and development of a distributed computer game engine called ParaEngine. Based...
Boot Strapping in ParaEngine Boot strapping is a technique to specify the boot script and boot order of an application. Bootstrapper file is a xml file to be loaded...
ParaEngine Change History / @page ParaEngine change ParaEngine Change History @author LiXizhi 2008.11.24 paraworld solution is ported from vs 2005 to vs...
ParaEngine CSS Skin. It will override PatternSkin site Wide. I made this mainly for the top bar. More information, please see the PatternSkinCssCookbook To add new...
ParaEngine Wiki Documentation Welcome to the community Wiki for the ParaEngine. This is a collection of articles about ParaEngine written by both its creators and...
ParaEngine Extension an extension library to all ParaEngine namespaces Title an extension library to all ParaEngine namespaces Author(s) LiXizhi...
Installation SDK Directory Files Audio config database EBooks fonts packages ParaChat...
ParaEngine Technology Licensing We encourage the use of ParaEngine and NPL for a large developer audience, especially in our 3D social networking platform ParaWorld...
ParaEngine Registered Logos 公司Logo ParaEngine140X40.png: ParaEngine registered.png: NPL.png:
ParaEngine MVP Program Introduction ParaEngine Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) are exceptional technical community leaders from around the world who are awarded...
PARAENGINE CORPORATION NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT FOR MVP This Non Disclosure Agreement (the `Agreement`) is made and entered into as of the later of the two signature...
ParaEngine SDK Title SDK preview for ParaEngineMVP only version 1.0 url installer.exe Changes...
ParaEngine SDK Short cut Manager ParaEngine SDK中的Short Cut 编辑器, 类似Visual Studio的编辑器 功能 列出引擎的所有Command和他们已有...
Introduction to ParaEngine Download BrochureSee Screen Shot ParaEngine is a distributed 3D computer game engine. It aims to develop the next generation multiple player...
ParaEngine Studio Member list (comma separated list): Set GROUP TianWang Persons/group who can change the list: Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE...
公司网站设计 平台 1.1 ParaEngineOverview 1.2 ParaEngineFeatures 1.3 ParaEnginePEDN 1.4 ParaEngineDownload
ParaEngine Company Page 关于PEDN ParaEngine公司(简称PE)主要进行 分布式计算机游戏引擎 (ParaEngine)的研发,我们在这项专有的...
ParaWorld ParaWorld is a social web 3D platform. In ParaWorld, each user has its own avatar, virtual land, and can build up their dream world easily. People can play...
Title Article text. Comments
ParaWorld Actionfeed a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
ParaWorld Apps a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
ParaWorld Auth It is for client and application to authenticate a user and return or verify a session key. Title It is for client and application to authenticate...
ParaWorld Friends querying and managing friends. Title querying and managing friends. Author(s) LiXizhi,CYF Date 2008/1/21 File script...
ParaWorld Inventory a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
ParaWorld Lobby lobby services Title lobby services Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/1/21 File script/kids/3DMapSystemApp/API/paraworld.lobby...
ParaWorld Map Microcomos Query Language (MQL) Title Microcomos Query Language (MQL) Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/5/22 File script/kids...
ParaWorld Map a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
ParaWorld Marketplace a central place per application for selling and buying tradable items. Title a central place per application for selling and buying tradable...
ParaWorld Profile App profile management API Title App profile management API Author(s) LiXizhi,CYF Date 2008/1/21 File script/kids...
ParaWorld Users user info Title user info Author(s) LiXizhi Date 2008/1/21 File script/kids/3DMapSystemApp/API/paraworld.users.lua...
Paracraft SDK Walk Through Fast walk through video for users and partners. Download and then watch offline for HD version. Paracraft SDK Introduction Paracraft...
paraworld.MQL.query Contents Description 执行传入的MQL语句,并将结果返回 MQL语法类似于简化了的T SQL。MQL必须以select、update、delete...
paraworld.actionfeed.PublishActionToUser Contents Description 只可发给好友 Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey string...
paraworld.actionfeed.PublishItemToUser Contents Description 只可发给好友 Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey string...
paraworld.actionfeed.PublishMessageToUser Contents Description 可以发给任何人(包括好友和非好友) Parameters Required Name Type Description...
paraworld.actionfeed.PublishRequestToUser Contents Description 可以发给任何人(包括好友和非好友) Parameters Required Name Type Description...
paraworld.actionfeed.PublishStoryToUser Contents Description 只可发给好友 Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey string...
paraworld.actionfeed.sendEmail Contents Description 使用系统服务邮箱发送电子邮件(只可给当前登录用户的好友发送邮件) Parameters...
paraworld.auth.AuthUser Contents Description 用户登录。 Parameters Required Name Type Description required userName string 用户名 ^ password...
paraword.auth.Logout Contents Description 用户登出 Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey string 需要进行登出的...
paraworld.auth.SendConfirmEmail 已作废 Contents Description 发送激活账号的Email,用在注册用户没有收到激活邮件时请求再次发送...
paraworld.auth.VerifySession Contents Description 在中央服务器验证指定的用户是否是在线状态 Parameters Required Name Type Description...
paraworld.bag.BuyItems Contents Description 当前登录用户购买物品 用户在官方商城购买物品:直接调用BuyItems API完成购买流程 用...
paraworld.bag.DestroyItem Contents Description 当前登录用户销毁其拥有的物品(每次只能销毁一种物品) Parameters Required Name...
Andy, Lorne, Xizhi, Let us design bag and item system here Draft thought of Xizhi Global Store ID int , Unique Indexed PrimeKey asset string key like...
paraworld.bag.SendItem Contents Description 赠送物品(每次只能赠送一种物品) Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey...
paraworld.bag.SwapItems Contents Description 建议交换物品的步骤: (1)用户A向用户B提交一个交换物品的请求(这里需要一个API... Contents Description 分页返回当前登录用户收到的所有EMAIL(不返回具体内容) Parameters Required Name Type... Contents Description 移除一个EMAIL,只能移除自己收到的EMAIL Parameters Required Name Type Description required... Contents Description 取得指定EMAIL的详细数据 Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey string ... Contents Description 登录用户向指定的用户发送一封EMAIL(指社区中的EMAIL,非真实的电子邮件),只有相关...
paraworld.file.CreateDirectory Contents Description #29992; #25143; #21019; #24314; #19968; #20010; #29992; #26469; #20445; #23384; #19978; #20256; #25991;...
paraworld.file.CreateFile Contents Description 创建用户文件。文件只可放在当前用户自己的文件夹中 Parameters Required Name Type...
paraworld.file.DeleteDirectory Contents Description #21024; #38500; #25351; #23450; #30340; #29992; #25143; #25991; #20214; #22841; Parameters Required...
paraworld.file.DeleteFile Contents Description 删除一个用户文件 Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey string 用...
paraworld.file.FindFile Contents Description 依据指定的逻辑地址查找用户文件 Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey...
paraworld.file.GetChildDirectory Contents Description #33719; #21462; #26576; #20010; #25991; #20214; #22841; #19979; #25152; #26377; #30340; #31532;...
paraworld.file.GetDirectory Contents Description #20381; #25454;ID #21462; #24471; #19968; #20010; #29992; #25143; #25991; #20214; #22841; #30340; #25968;...
paraworld.file.GetFile Contents Description 依据文件ID或文件逻辑地址取得一个用户文件的数据 Parameters Required Name Type Description...
paraworld.file.RenameDirectory Contents Description #23545; #25351; #23450; #30340; #25991; #20214; #22841; #36827; #34892; #37325; #21629; #21517; Parameters...
paraworld.file.RenameFile Contents Description 修改指定文件的文件名 Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey string...
paraworld.friends.add Contents Description 发送好友邀请或接受别人的好友邀请。 返回值中的state节点说明了操作结果的状态:1...
paraworld.friends.get Contents Description 取得指定用户的所有好友 Parameters Required Name Type Description required uid string 用户ID...
paraworld.friends.remove Contents Description 当前登录用户将一个好友移除,同时也会在被移除的好友列表中将当前登录用户移除...
paraworld.lobby.CreateRoom Contents Description 创建房间。当一个用户成功创建一个房间后,该用户之前所创建的所有房间都将被...
paraworld.lobby.GetBBS Contents Description 取得某个频道的某个时间之后的所有消息 Parameters Required Name Type Description required...
paraworld.lobby.GetRoomList Contents Description 取得指定页的房间数据 Parameters Required Name Type Description optional pageIndex string...
paraworld.lobby.PostBBS Contents Description 发布MCML String 到某个频道 Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey string... Contents Description #26032; #22686; #19968; #20010;MapMark Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey... Contents Description #26032; #22686; #19968; #20010;Model Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey string... Contents Description #26032; #22686; #19968; #20010;Tile #12290; Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey... Contents Description #36141; #20080;Tile #65288; #23558; #27599; #20010;Tile #30340; #20215; #26684; #26242; #23450; #20026;4000P... Contents Description #20381; #25454;ID #21462; #24471; #19968; #20010;MapMark Parameters Required Name Type Description... Contents Description #21462; #24471; #26576; #29992; #25143; #30340; #26576; #31181; #31867; #22411; #30340;MapMark #20013;... Contents Description #36820; #22238; #25351; #23450; #21306; #22495; #20869; #25351; #23450; #31867; #22411;, #25351;... Contents Description #20381; #25454; #19968; #32452;MapModel #30340;ID #21462; #20986; #36825; #20123;MapModel #30340;... Contents Description #23558; #25152; #26377;Model #25968; #25454; #20998; #39029; #65292; #21462; #24471; #25351; #23450;... Contents Description #20381; #20027; #38190; #33719; #24471; #19968; #20010;Model #30340; #20449; #24687; Parameters Required... Contents Description #20381; #25454;Tile #30340;ID #21462; #24471; #19968; #20010;Tile #30340; #20449; #24687; Parameters Required... Contents Description #21462; #24471; #19968; #20010; #21306; #22495; #20869; #25152; #26377; #30340;Tile Parameters Required... Contents Description 依据ID取得一个World Parameters Required Name Type Description required worldID string 要... Contents Description 取得指定用户上传的所有世界 Parameters Required Name Type Description required uid string... Contents Description 某用户加入指定的World,即成为此World的一个成员 Parameters Required Name Type Description... Contents Description 某用户离开指定的World,即不再是此World的成员 Parameters Required Name Type Description... Contents Description 可用于查询的表有:WorldMembers 参考:paraworld.MQL.query Contents Description 发布(即新增)一个World 初步设计 Parameters Required Name Type Description required... Contents Description #21024; #38500; #19968; #20010;MapMark Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey... Contents Description #21024; #38500; #19968; #20010;Model Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey... Contents Description 删除指定的World。只有该World的所有者和Paraworld管理者有权限调用此功能。 Parameters... Contents Description #36820; #22238; #31526; #21512; #25110; #21253; #21547; #20851; #38190; #23383; #30340; #31532;N #39029;... Contents Description #20462; #25913; #25351; #23450; #30340;Model Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey... Contents Description #20462; #25913; #25351; #23450; #30340;Tile Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey... Contents Description 修改指定的World。只有该World的所有者和Paraworld的管理者有权限执行此功能。 Parameters... Contents Description 上传文件。 每次上传操作最多只能上传不大于1M的文件,对于大于1M的文件,需要分... Contents Description 某用户访问指定的World Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey string...
paraworld.profile.GetMCML Contents Description 取得指定用户的Profile的MCML Parameters Required Name Type Description required appKey...
paraword.profile.SetMCML Contents Description 修改某个用户的MCML Parameters Required Name Type Description required appKey string PE分配...
paraworld.users.Find Contents Description 依据输入的Email查找已在PE注册的用户,并将注册用户的ID返回,多个用户ID之间用英文...
paraworld.users.Invite Contents Description 邀请好友加入 Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey string 用户凭证...
paraworld.users.Search (已作废) Contents Description 依据传入的MQL语句查找用户 不区分大小字 不支持多表联合查询,不支持...
paraworld.users.getInfo Contents Description 获取一组指定用户的指定信息 Parameters Required Name Type Description optional uids string...
paraworld.users.setInfo Contents Description 登录用户更改自己的个人信息 Parameters Required Name Type Description required sessionKey...
Number of topics: 114

Topic revision: r18 - 2009-01-17 - LiXizhi
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